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  • FLIGHT IN ITS MAXIMUM EXPRESSION The Thermal Performance flight baptism will allow you to fully experience all the p...
  • A unique and singular flight In contrast to our other flights, this flight takes off from the reservoir of Sant Anto...
  • The 100% Adrenaline flight baptism will give you the strongest emotions that you can imagine. We will launch in a ta...
  • The essence of flight with a paraglider! The Sky Passenger is the most popular first flight, the most essential. We ...
  • Enjoy the tranquility of flying with a paraglider The Morning Glory is the most tranquil Baptism Flight of the day. ...
  • Meteorologia

    Which are the ideal meteorological conditions to fly? We try to explain the best!...
  • Equipment


    Fly a paraglider requires specific equipment. Take a look what this equipment is....
  • What I have to wear? Are googles necessary? It’s cold? At what time I have to stay at Entrenúvols? Take a look...